A cross sectional study to assess sleep quality in Type 2 diabetes
Introduction: One of the commonest metabolic diseases is Diabetes mellitus. It is estimated that around 592 million people across the world would be living with diabetes by the year 2035. Multiple studies have recognized sleep disorder a novel risk factor for diabetes via peripheral neuropathy or endocrine metabolic pathway.
Objective: The present study was undertaken to assess the sleep quality in type 2 diabetic patients.
Methods: Thirty cases of controlled type II diabetes mellitus and thirty non-diabetic age matched controls, including both males and females, were assessed for sleep quality. Sleep quality was assessed by Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI).
Results: Demographic data was not significantly different between cases and controls. Sleep quality was significantly lower in cases when compared to controls (P<0.01).
Conclusion: We have observed decrease in the quality of sleep in patients of diabetes. We recommend further studies to explore the association for planning and developing better treatment procedures.
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