Diagnostic flexible fiber optic laryngoscopy and 70-degree hopkins rod lens laryngoscopic study in patient with hoarseness and dysphagia: a comparative study
Objectives: To use Flexible Fiber Optic Laryngoscopy and 70-degree Hopkins Rod Lens Laryngoscope in diagnosis of patient with Hoarseness and Dysphagia.
Introduction: Laryngoscopy is examination or visualization of laryngeal structures which can be Endoscopes or rigid Laryngoscopy. Endoscopic and Fiber Optic laryngoscope is usually done under local anaesthesia in adults and general anaesthesia in children. Earlier pharyngeal and laryngeal pathologies required hospitalization for examination and procedure with rigid laryngoscopy under general anaesthesia but when Endoscopic laryngoscopy and Fibre Optic laryngoscope come in use these procedures can be done under local anaesthesia in OPD basis which decrease not only patients and doctors valuable time but also economic burden.
Materials and methods: Study was conducted in Department of ENT from August 2017 to August 2019 in Amaltas Institute of Medical Sciences, Dewas, Madhya Pradesh. Total 309patients were taken with age group of 10 to 60 who presented with symptoms of hoarseness and Dysphagia. Detailed clinical examination done for odynophagia, difficulty in breathing and cervical lymph nodes. Initially Endoscopic 70-degree Hopkins Rod Lens done under local anaesthesia and findings are compared with that of Flexible Fiberoptic laryngoscopy under local anaesthesia.
Conclusion: Flexible Fiber Optic laryngoscopy is an important tool for detailed examination of nasopharynx and larynx. Endoscopic laryngoscopy70 degree Hopkins Rod Lens is quick & easy OPD procedure for examination of Larynx.
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