A clinical study to determine the effects of adenoidectomy in cases of secretory otitis media in school going children
Introduction: Secretory Otitis media (SOM) is the leading cause of hearing loss in children. Despite numerous studies on the prevention and treatment of SOM during the past decades, its management remains challenging and controversial. A study was conducted to find the effect of adenoidectomy in cases of SOM with hypertrophied adenoids and to determine the effect of adenoidectomy on hearing as assessed by the pure tone and impedance audiometry.
Material and Methods: Children aged 5 – 12 years, diagnosed as SOM with adenoid hypertrophy were included. The study was conducted from April 2019 to May 2020, in the department of ENT, GSL Medical College. A detailed history and clinical examination were done. Investigations such as pure tone audiogram, impedance audiometry, X-ray nasopharynx, and diagnostic nasal endoscopy were carried out to confirm the diagnosis.
Results: Out of the 50 participants, a maximum (60%) belonged to the 5 – 7 years age group, the male-female ratio was 1.2. Hard of hearing was a common symptom in 66%, tonsillitis, and sinusitis in 36% and 18% respectively. On pure tone audiometry, the average hearing loss was 24.95dB.
Conclusion: Adenoidectomy in children having hypertrophied adenoids with SOM, not only relieves Eustachian tube obstruction but also removes the source of infection. This leads to clearance of middle ear effusion and improvement in hearing postoperatively.
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