Tear Film Break up time (TBUT) in allergic papillary conjunctivitis and immediate effect of carboxy methylcellulose on TBUT
Purpose: To find out the effect of papillae due to allergic conjunctivitis on the tear film break up time (TBUT) and immediate effect of topical carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on TBUT in these patients.
Methods: 62 eyes of the 31 patients in the age group of 20-40 years with papillae in the tarsal conjunctiva due to allergic conjunctivitis were subjected to measurement of TBUT. This was followed by application of one drop of 0.5% carboxy methylcellulose eye drop and TBUT was repeated after 5 minutes. Patients not in the 20-40-year age group, presence of any ocular surface disorder, mebomian gland dysfunction and lagophthalmos were excluded from the study.
Results: 31 patients (62 eyes) were included in the study. TBUT was less than 15secs in 47 eyes (75.80%) and more than 15sec in 15eyes (24.19%). TBUT improved after application of topical CMC in 23 eyes (37.09%) and reduced in 21 eyes (33.87%) and remained the same in 18 eyes (29.56%). Percentage of patients who showed improvement in TBUT who had less than normal TBUT was 40.42%. Percentage of patients who showed reduction in TBUT with normal TBUT was 66.66%.
Conclusion: TBUT is less than normal in around two third of the patients with allergic papillary conjunctivitis. Immediate effect of topical CMC showed no significant changes in the TBUT. Topical CMC drops showed better improvement in TBUT in patients with initial reduced TBUT rather than in patients with normal initial TBUT.
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