Study of intraocular pressure and glaucoma risk in myopes and hypermetropes in middle aged adults
Aim: To study the relationship between Intra ocular pressure and refractive errors (myopia and hypermetropia) and assess glaucoma risk in middle aged adults and compare with a normal emmetropic population of same age group.
Materials and Methods: This is a prospective observational study of 150 patients between the age of 30-50 years attending ophthalmology outpatient department of SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre for a period of 6months. They were categorized into five groups as Emmetropia (+0.5D to -0.5D), Hypermetropia(>+0.5D), Low Myopia (-0.75D to< -3D), Moderate Myopia (-3D to -6D) and High Myopia (>-6D). Intraocular pressure will be measured with Goldmann applanation tonometer three times at one weekly interval and the average value will be taken.
Results: The intra ocular pressure in moderate and high myopia was found to be higher compared to emmetropic, hypermetropic and low myopic patients which was statistically significant (P value-0.0001). In all the refractive error groups, the intra ocular pressure was higher in the 40-50 years age group compared to the 30-39 years age group. There was no statistically significant difference between Intra ocular pressure in the right eye and left eye and between the sexes in all the refractive error groups.
Conclusion: The intra ocular pressure was higher in moderate and high myopia and in the 40-50 years age group. This confirms that intra ocular pressure increases with advancing age. Patients with moderate and high myopia have increased risk of developing Glaucoma. Therefore, it would be advisable to routinely check intra ocular pressure for myopes.
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