A clinical study on etiopathogenesis of hoarseness of voice
Introduction: Voice is a natural medium adapted to communicate emotional contact. Hoarseness is a common symptom that otolaryngologist come across.
Aims and Objectives: This study aims at studying the etiology predisposing factors and clinical profile of patients presenting with hoarseness.
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in department of ENT, PSG medical college, Coimabatore in the period of July 2015 to July 2017. A total of 100 cases presenting with hoarseness were studied.
Results: The most common etiology was found to be malignancy of larynx with incidence of 33% among the hoarseness of voice patients. The incidence of hoarseness was 0.27% among the total ENT cases.
Conclusion: The symptom of hoarseness of voice should not be ignored as it might be an indication of laryngeal malignancy. Any patient with hoarseness should be thoroughly investigated to rule out laryngeal malignancy, that might cause respiratory distress leading to life threatening complications.
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