A study of clinical spectrum of pseudo exfoliation syndrome
Background: Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXS) is the most common identifiable cause of secondary glaucoma, the prevalence of which varies considerably among different (PXF) ethnicities. Pseudoexfoliation is a genetically inherited condition. The prevalence of pseudoexfoliation increases with age. It is a common condition in the elderly population. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of and complications in patients with pseudo-exfoliation.
Methods: This is an observational study performed in a sample of 103 patients (112 eyes) with pseudo-exfoliation for one year from October 2017-September-2018. Patients visiting the Ophthalmology department, NRI General Hospital, Chinakakani were enrolled in this study. Detailed evaluation including ophthalmic and general history, slit lamp biomicroscope, intraocular pressure measurement, gonioscopy and detailed eye examination was performed in all patients.
Results: A total of 103 patients were analyzed; the major age group was 71-80 (40.78%). Among the Male patients were found to be more (66.02%). Majority of the patients were affected unilaterally (91.26%) and remaining bilaterally (8.24%). On slit-lamp examination degranulation of pupillary ruff and pseudoexfoliation material on the anterior capsule of the lens were present in 59.82% and 52.70% whereas corneal endothelium pigments, iris transillumination defects and pigments on the anterior lens capsule were absent in 82.1%, 91.1% and 68.80% respectively. All the cases were identified with PXF material on pupillary margin of the iris. Majority of the patients (72.32%) had normal intraocular pressure. Glaucoma and ocular hypertension were seen in 20.53% and 7.14% of eyes. On gonioscopy, pseudoexfoliation material in the angle, pigments and sampaolesi’s line were identified in 27.7%, 63.4% and 43.80% respectively. Only 8.69% of eyes had 6/24 or better vision, while 8.69% had perception of light (PL) to No perception of light in PXF Glaucoma patients.
Conclusion: The study concluded the need for early diagnosis and various complications involved in pseudoexfoliation.
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