Polypoidal masses in nasal cavity among patients in a tertiary level: a clinico-pathological spectrum
Introduction: Polypoidal mass in nose and paranasal sinuses are very common, that bulges or projects downwards from the normal nasal surface. The aim of the present study was to determine the incidence of nasal polypoidal mass and clinical and pathologic data of a group of consecutive cases.
Materials and Methods: Clinico-pathological study of 92 consecutive cases of nasal polypoidal mass from single institution was performed for a period of 3 years. Clinical examination, routine investigations, Chest X ray PA were taken for all patients. Excised tissues were routinely processed for histopathologic examination.
Results: Analysis of 92 polypoidal lesions in the nose and paranasal sinuses with clinical diagnosis of nasal polyps, revealed 52 cases were non-neoplastic and 40 were neoplastic; 34 (85%) were benign and 6 (15%) were malignant. True nasal polyps both inflammatory and allergic together comprised 49 cases of the 52 polypoidal lesions in the nasal cavity. Angiofibroma and capillary hemangioma were the most frequent benign tumour accounting for 30/34 (44%). The most common malignant tumour was squamous cell carcinoma 5/6 (83.3%).
Conclusion: Majority of polypoidal mass in the nasal cavity were non-neoplastic, with histopathological examination being the easiest method for identification and distinguishing the type of sinonasalpolypoidal masses.
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