Axial length evaluation of eye ball by magnetic resonance imaging in Odisha population
Background and Objective: The ocular axial length (AL) changes in refractive errors, ocular, orbital and systemic diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging provides an accurate ocular biometry. Early diagnosis of change of ocular axial length is important to prevent visual compromise. Present study is undertaken to determine the axial length of both eye balls by use of magnetic resonance imaging and to find out possible association between the ocular axial length with age and sex of healthy individuals.
Methods: Retrospective study of ocular axial length was carried out in our institution. About 200 numbers of cases with normal MRI findings of brain and orbit were retrospectively analyzed by two senior radiologists independently keeping in view of inter observer variability. Study included T2 weighted axial imaging of brain and orbit from January 2017 to June 2019.
Result: The normal axial length of the right and left globe of male person are 23.16±0.840 mm and 23.139± 0.830 respectively. The normal axial length of the right and left globe of female person are 22.55±0.839 mm and 22.55±0.514 respectively. Male cases have slight higher ocular axial length than female individuals and the difference is statistically insignificant.
Conclusion: The normal ocular axial dimension will help the clinician and radiologist to quantitatively evaluate patients with abnormal ocular size and/or refractive errors.
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