Is temporomandibular joint disorder common in Indian women: tick to talk and chew to lock?
Introduction: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a sliding hinge that connects jawbone to the skull. The exact cause of TMJ disorder in a person is often difficult to determine as the pain may be due to varied factors ranging from clench teeth to caries causing click sound to ache on chew. Women are the only ones to shoulder both the burden and baggage of life on their shoulders very gracefully and during this process they often tend to neglect their health while dealing with various aspects and chapters in life.
Objective: To find out the root cause of this disorder and to edify women to eradicate the “angst” regarding false pretentions of this condition.
Methodology: 73 women were clinically evaluated and diagnosis was made and treated accordingly from ENT point of view.
Results: TMJ arthritis was found to be the cause for TMJ disorder with an add-on of stress in women between 20-35 years of age due to unintentional usage of one side of jaw while chew, who presented with tenderness in and around the jaw and referred pain to the ear.
Conclusion: To break the illusionary bubble that runs in the mind of every woman when the basics of the joint motion is restricted which initially leads to pain and can further cause irrevocable complications prior to giving second thought pertaining to the actual facts behind its occurrence.
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