Traumatic cataract- factors affecting visual outcome
Aim: Ocular trauma can result in myriad of presentations, traumatic cataract being one of them. The aim of present study is to find out etiological factors, demographic profile, factors affecting visual outcome in patients of traumatic cataract.
Method and Material: A Prospective observational study was conducted in the department of Ophthalmology, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal. A total of 50 patients were examined and findings were analyzed. Outcome measures: Final visual outcome.
Result: We found that people in most productive years of life are more susceptible to injury causing traumatic cataract. Most of the injuries are sustained at workplace or home. Visual outcome in Traumatic cataract depends upon initial visual acuity and associated ocular injuries. Proper management of postoperative complications can significantly improve the visual outcome.
Conclusion: Traumatic cataract is an important cause of preventable blindness. People at workplace should be aware of possible injuries. Use of adequate protective measures can decrease the incidence of traumatic cataract.
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