Results of secondary ciliary sulcus fixated posterior chamber intra-ocular lenses in paediatric aphakia
Introduction: Primary Intraocular lens implantation is the most preferred method of paediatric cataract management. However there is little literature on secondary correction of aphakia with IOL implantation.
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ciliary sulcus implantation of posterior chamber IOLs in cases of paediatric aphakia.
Materials and Methods: The charts of 33 patients (52 eyes) ranging from 2-15 years of age, who underwent secondary implantation of PCIOL in the ciliary sulcus between 2016-17 were studied. Those cases that had sufficient capsular support after primary cataract extraction were included. Demographic data was obtained and correlated with the final outcomes in terms of refractive error, post op complications and visual outcome.
Results: The final mean visual acuity in log MAR was 0.64±0.42. 43% of eyes showed good visual acuity 0.4-0.6 log MAR. After surgery 85% patients with amblyopia showed good visual good response to occlusion therapy. Patients with aphakia operated for traumatic cataract achieved better visual acuity than those with congenital cataract (0.31±0.36 and 0.64±0.42 respectively). Mean difference of -0.06D was observed between targeted refraction and actual refraction.
Conclusions: Patients who had early primary cataract surgery showed better final visual acuity. Our observed complication rate showed that this method of aphakia correction is safe and effective.
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