Effect of pterygiumseverity on visual acuity and contrast sensitivity
Aim: To evaluate prospectively the effect of pterygium excision on visual acuity and contrast sensitivity before and after surgery.
Material & method: A prospective observational study where in 63 eyes of 63 patients with primary pterygia were studied before and after surgery. Examination was done in which contrast sensitivity was measured with pellirobson chart pre-operatively and one month postoperatively following pterygium excision with Conjunctival Limbal Auto Graft.
Result: As the grade of pterygium increases, decrement in contrast sensitivity occurs. The visual acuity significantly increased after the surgery. Mean contrast sensitivity following pterygium surgery improved from 1.49±0.21 to 1.70±0.20 (p value <0.001).
Conclusion: Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity improved significantly following pterygium excision surgery.
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