Prospective study of treatment outcome in chronic suppurative otitis media (Attico - antral Disease)
Aim: To analyse the post operative outcome in patients with CSOM – Atticoantral type and compare the outcomes in terms of disease clearance and improvement in hearing.
Material and Methods: 50 Patients who were diagnosed as Chronic Suppurative otitis Media of Attico-antral type, detailed history & clinical examination and investigations were performed. Per-operative findings (status of ossicles, middle ear, antrum, mastoid), Post operative follow up (1, 3 and 6 months) -disease clearance and hearing status was done.
Results: Out of total 50 patients, Canal Wall Down Procedures (Modified radical mastoidectomy with Tympanoplasty) had a good success rate in disease clearance when compared with Canal Wall Up Procedures (Cortical Mastoidectomy/ Atticotomy With Tympanoplasty). Irrespective of canal wall up (or) canal wall down procedures, Type II Tympanoplasty show better results of hearing improvement when compared to other surgical procedures.
Conclusion: In our study, postoperative surgical outcome were statistically analyzed using Chi square test, in which Canal wall down procedures showed good result in terms of disease clearance and Type II tympanoplasty showed good result in terms of hearing improvement.
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