Benign peroxismal positional vertigo: our experience in 40 cases
Introduction: BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo provoked by certain head position changes. Despite being the most common cause of peripheral vertigo, BPPV is still often misdiagnosed hence it is important to understand BPPV not only because it may avert expensive and often unnecessary investigations, but also because treatment by particle reposition maneuvers is rapid, easy and effective in more than 90% of cases.
Objectives: 1) To analyze the etiological, clinical and prognostic differences between patients affected by BPPV. 2) To evaluate the efficacy of different PRM in the treatment of BPPV and to compare the results of present study with similar studies done elsewhere.
Methods: The present descriptive study was conducted at Department of ENT, Subbaiah institute of medical sciences, Shimoga from August 2015 to August 2018 in 40 patients with a clinical diagnosis of BPPV. All these patients were treated by different PRM specific for the canal involved and the results were analyzed.
Results: Right labyrinth was involved in 23 cases (57.5%) and left in 17 (42.5%) cases. PC was involved in 34 (85%) cases and Eply’s maneuver was successful in all 34 (100%) patients. HC was involved in 6 (15%) cases which were treated with Barbecue and Gufoni maneuver with resolution in 5 (83.33%) patients.
Conclusion: Therapeutic maneuvers are effective in treatment of BPPV that have shown high success rate hence should be tried in all patients with BPPV unless contraindicated to reduce unnecessary diagnostic tests and costs.
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