Occurrence of Postoperative ptosis after cataract surgery in tertiary care hospital of south Gujarat area
Objectives: To find out the influence of superior rectus (bridal suture), demographic factors and intraoperative surgical time in occurrence of postoperative ptosis.
Material and Methods: 260 patients posted for cataract surgery were enrolled in the study and divided in group A with superior rectus and group B without superior rectus suture used during cataract surgery. Preoperatively we recorded demographic details, measurements like MRD1 (margin reflex distance), levator function test and photograph of patients in primary gaze position,all measurements were compared postoperatively on follow up, we also recorded intraoperative time during cataract surgery.
Results: Occurrence of ptosis was 11.5% (15/130) in group A and in group B 7.7% (10/130). About 12 patientssuffered with right side and 13 patientsleft sideptosis. Shortest operative time is 12 min whereas longest time is 32 min recorded.
Conclusions: It was concluded that occurrence of ptosis is slightly more in patients operated with bridal suture and longer operative time. No significant role of demographic factor observed but females are involved more compared to male patients in development of ptosis.
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