Medical management of extra-ocular muscle cysticercosis- a clinical study
Introduction: To study clinical diagnosis, results of investigations and role of medical management and their outcome in extra-ocular cysticercosis. Our study also emphasizes on the role of topical cyclosporine eye drops in the management of treatment related severe inflammatory response in extra-ocular cysticercosis.
Methods: A total of 10 patients with extra-ocular cysticercosis were recruited for the study from our OPD, blood investigations, ultra-sonography for both eyes and whole abdomen were done. Computed tomography (NCCT) were done to rule out neurocysticercosis and orbital cysticercosis.
Results: The commonest clinical presentation was cyst in the medial rectus muscle with it being the most common presenting manifestation.
Conclusion: Extra-ocular cysticercosis can be managed with medical treatment. Oral Albendazole, topical and systemic steroids were given as a part of medical treatment, topical cyclosporin was added to the patients with more severe inflammatory response due to dying cysticercus.
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