Purpose: To know incidence of Dry eye disease in eye OPD at tertiary health care center of west Gujarat.
Method: It was a prospective hospital based cross sectional study conducted on 2028 patients visited at tertiary health care center of west Gujarat. Patients were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. All selected patients’ detail history regarding symptoms, systemic illness, occupation taken. Thorough ocular examination done. After that schirmer’s test was performed and results noted.
Result: According to schirmer’s test results 256 patients found to have Dry eye disease so we found Incidence of Dry eye disease 12.6%. Out of 256 patients High Incidence of Dry eye disease found in Age Group of (51-60) years(25%), Female to male ratio was 3:2; more common symptoms foreign body sensation (22%), burning (21%), Tearing (18%) and Dryness (16%) seen, Retired personals (old ages) (27%), Labourer worker (17.2%), Housewives (15.6%) and Factory Worker (13.7%) are more commonly associated occupation. In regards to schirmer’s test results for severity of dry eye disease 38% eyes with mild (6-10 mm), 47% with moderate (2-5 mm) and 14% with severe (<2 mm) found.
Conclusion: We have observed 12.6% incidence of Dry Eye Disease in Eye OPD at Tertiary Health Care Center. Dry eye disease now becoming a common ocular problem and need to make standardise diagnostic guidelines for its severity.
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