Surgical management of pterygium: comparing various techniques
Aim: The study aims to compare the various technique of pterygium surgery like bare sclera,conjunctival autograft with autologous blood and conjunctival autograft with sutures.
Method andMaterial: A Prospective observational study was conducted at a tertiary centre in central India fromthe period of July 2019 to March 2021. A total of 50 patients were enrolled for the study after takingconsent. Three technique was used while performing pterygium excision Group 1- Bare sclera (3patients) Group 2- Conjunctival autograft with autologous blood (24 patients) Group 3- Conjunctivalgraft with sutures (23 patients) All the surgeries were performed by a single surgeon. Patients werefollowed up for 18 months. Postoperative complaints and recurrence were noted on everysubsequent visit.
Result: We found that post-operative complaints (watering, foreign bodysensation) were higher among group 3 as compared to group 2. However, graft loss was found in 3patients in group 2. Recurrence was found in 2 patients belonging to group 2.
Conclusion:Autologous blood and sutures both are good alternatives to attach the conjunctival autograft.Postoperative discomfort is more experienced with sutures although sutures have certain advantagesof fewer chances of graft loss thereby reducing recurrence

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