Comparison between Bipolar Diathermy and Coblation assisted tonsillectomy in Children patients
Introduction: Tonsillectomy is one of the commonly performed otolaryngological operations. Coblation assisted tonsillectomy is the latest technique of tonsillectomy. This technique is said to be associated with less intraoperative bleeding and less postoperative morbidity.
Materials and Methods: This study was a prospective, interventional, non-randomized study enrolling pediatric patients undergoing tonsillectomy with planned overnight admission. Surgical technique (MES vs RFA) and its relation to time to discharge on postoperative day one were compared. The total number of patients who underwent tonsillectomy was 60 patients (30 of them by bipolar diathermy technique, 30 by Coblation assisted technique).
Result: Incidence of postoperative bleeding was almost similar in both groups. In the Diathermy group, only one patient and the Cobalation group, only two patients had a secondary hemorrhage that was managed conservatively and did not need surgical intervention. The total mean duration of surgery for the bipolar diathermy method was 12.33±5.31 minutes which was more than the mean operative time for the method, which was 8.01±4.83 minutes for the coblation method. On the other hand, the mean intraoperative blood loss for the bipolar diathermy method was 43.21±13.32 ml, and for the coblation method, the mean intraoperative blood loss was 28.12±11.73 ml.
Conclusion: We recommend using coblation over bipolar diathermy for tonsillectomy in adults based on the lower levels of postoperative pain and similar morbidity.
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