To study the effect of Rebamipide 2% ophthalmic suspension in Dry eye
Purpose: Current available therapies such as lubricants and anti-inflammatory drugs alleviate symptoms and reduce signs of dry eye. Various drugs have been developed to treat the underlying cause of disease .One such drug is Rebamipide 2% ophthalmic suspension. Our study aims to study the efficacy of Rebamipide 2% ophthalmic suspension in treating dry eye.
Material and methods: It was a Prospective interventional study in which 60 patients were divided into two groups. Group A included those 30 cases which were subjected to rebamipide 2% (q.i.d) and 0.3% Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (q.i.d). Group B included those 30 cases, which were subjected to 0.3% Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (q.i.d) alone. Follow up was done at an interval of two weeks till twelve weeks. Beside recording improvement in symptoms following tests were performed at each visit - Schirmer’s test, Fluoresce in staining test, Fluoresec in tear break up time (TBUT).
Results: Cases treated with Rebamipide 2% eye drops showed a statistically significant improvement in both subjective and objective measures.There was a significant improvement in grittiness besides significant improvement in schirmers (p<0.001)), TBUT (p<0.01) and Fluorescien staining of cornea (p<0.001). The control group showed no significant difference compared to baseline.
Conclusion: Our data suggests that rebamipide 2% ophthalmic suspension is effective in treating dry eye.
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