A Prospective Study to Analyse the Post-Operative Outcome ofSutureless and Glueless Pterygium Autograft Surgery
Background: The present study was conducted to study the incidence of recurrence afterpterygium excision followed by glueless and sutureless implantation of conjunctival autograft and tostudy the outcome of surgery in terms of graft positioning.
Material and Methods: This study wasconducted as a prospective study on 47 patients presenting with pterygium at a tertiary care centreduring the study period of 2 years. Detailed ocular and systemic examinations were done. Patientswere then subjected to pterygium excision followed by glueless and sutureless implantation ofconjunctival autograft. The patients were followed up at 48 hrs after the surgery, then at the firstweek, the first month, third-month sixth month to assess the positioning of the graft, signs ofrecurrence if any (neovascularization, formation of early pterygium tissue).
Results: The study wasconducted on a total of 47 patients with pterygium with a mean age of 46.51±15.28 years. Themajority of patients belonged to 51 to 60 years of age (31.9%). Male predominance for pterygiumwith a male: female ratio of 1.6:1 was observed. Majority of patients presented with grade 3pterygium. Recurrence of pterygium and neovascularisation was observed in 8.5% of patients. Graftdisplacement was observed in 17% of patients.
Conclusion: Sutureless glueless pterygiumautograft surgery is a safe procedure with less operative time and postoperative complications. Therecurrence rate and risk of neovascularization are low but the incidence of graft failure is one of themajor drawbacks of this procedure.
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