Clinicopathological analysis of 55 cases of ocular surface squamous neoplasia
Introduction: The aim of this observational study is to review the presenting clinical features and histopathology of 55 cases of OSSN, at a tertiary care institute in Western India.
Method: The study enrolled patients from the in-patient department. The workup included a detailed history with Slit-lamp examination, clinical photographs and histopathological analysis of tissue samples taken via incisional or en-block excisional biopsy.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 38.2 years. 25.4 % of patients were HIV reactive, with an average age of 26.8 years. The most common presenting complaints were redness, watering and foreign body sensation occurring in 59.9% of the cases. 29% patients were asymptomatic or presented with complaints of a whitish mass lesion. Morphologically, the commonest lesion was of the Leukoplakic variety (32.72% of cases). On histopathological analysis, 41.8% of cases showed intraepithelial carcinoma, with mild dysplasia in a majority of cases. Invasive carcinoma was seen in 58.18% of cases, with poorly differentiated cells in a majority of them.
Conclusion: We conclude from the study that the affected population is younger in our region of the world, than in the West. HIV screening would help identify occult cases of HIV which present only with OSSN. Increased awareness of this disease among ophthalmologists would help ensure an early and definitive diagnosis.
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