Congenital Dacryocystitis- Clinical Profile and Outcome
Aim: To assess the clinical and epidemiological profile of congenital dacryocystis and its treatment outcome.
Material and Methods: A prospective study was conducted for duration of two years, cases with congenital dacryocystitis of age less than 5 years were included. A detailed history was taken giving emphasis to epiphora onset, duration, treatment and resolution. Ocular examination was done along with regurgitation on pressure over lacrimal sac test. The plan for the management was standard stepwise approach according to age groups and clinical condition of the cases. The conservative treatment included sac massage and surgical procedure were probing and syringing and endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy. Follow-up was done for 6 months and final clinical assessment was done to assess the success of procedure.
Results: Total 65 eyes of 51 cases were included in the study. Mean age of presentation was- 14.6 ± 2.3 months with 52.9% females. Unilateral involvement was more common. Epiphora was most common complaint with 63% ROPLAS positive. The success rate of sac massage was 81% and the overall success rate for treatment of congenital dacryocystitis was 96%.
Conclusion: Congenital dacryocystitis is a common pediatric problem. Treatment of congenital dacryocystitis should be started as early as possible and in stepwise manner initially conservative than surgical.
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