Hyperthyroidism associated with intraocular pressure and dry eye
Introduction: Graves’ orbitopathy/ophthalmopathy (GO) also known as thyroid eye disease (TED), dysthyroid/thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO), is an autoimmune disorder representing the commonest and most important extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves’ disease.
Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study conducted for 2 years. A total of 60 established cases of Hyperthyroidism of all Age groups with either gender subjects who were diagnosed with Thyroid orbitopathy at hospitals were included in this study. History of ocular surgery or medications, those demonstrating the recent use of contact lenses, pregnant or lactating women. All the cases with similar presentation not proved to be Thyroid Orbitopathy and patients who did not report for the follow-up were excluded from the study.
Result: A total of 60 patients were examined. Of the 60 cases analyzed, female preponderance was noted and 41-60 years age group had the highest incidence of thyroid orbitopathy. The most common presentation was found to be unilateral. Inferior rectus muscle was the commonest muscle involved with 48.3% followed by Medial rectus muscle 38.3%, Superior rectus muscle 23.3%, and Lateral rectus muscle involved least with 11.6% in descending order. None of the patients reported a loss of vision.
Conclusions: Dry eye and increased IOP have commonly seen outcomes that should be managed diligently. This potential sight-threatening condition is seen worldwide and has many functional and cosmetic consequences that need to be recognized. Hyperthyroidism was significantly associated with the severity.
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