Congenital sensorineural hearing loss- A radiological (CT and MRI) study
Aims: Congenital deafness refers to hearing loss which is believed to have been present since birth. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical application of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in children with profound congenital deafness and to analyze anatomic abnormalities of the inner ear and the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Methods: A cross-sectional and observational study was carried out in Department of ENT of a tertiary care centre, in 50 cases of congenital deafness. All cases were analyzed for detailed history and underwent clinical audiological evaluations, high resolution computed tomography (CT) and 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of bilateral temporal bones.
Result: Out of total 50 patients, majority of them presented between 6 to 30 months of age. CT scan findings were found radiologically abnormal in 54% cases. Most commonly observed abnormality (21.82% in bilateral side) in CT scan was of middle ear cleft followed by vestibule (20% in bilateral side). MRI findings were found abnormal in 88% cases. Most commonly observed abnormality (39.51% in right side and 45.07% in left side) in MRI was of semi-circular canal followed by vestibules (16.05% in right side and 18.31% in left side).
Conclusion: All children with congenital deafness should undergo radiological investigation of the temporal bone and inner ear. The decision whether to perform a CT or MRI will depend on scanner availability and management considerations, but cochlear implant candidates will require both.
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