Internet-Passion or Obsession
Scientists traditionally use the term 'Addiction' for substances that clearly abet physical dependence. However new studies indicate that as far as the brain is concerned a continuous sequence of rewards can even risk the brain to be trapped in a ceaseless chain of compulsion. Irrespective of the reward, it’s like a chemical reaction or an experience such as eating, gambling, etc. Internet addiction is the latest form of addiction. Moreover, various studies have shown the escalated influence of excessive internet use on the masses. This attracted the considerable attention of media and researchers. Internet Addiction (IA) causes severe changes in lifestyle. It affects not only physically but also mentally. It hijacks our hormones and causes several disruptions. It can change the basic nature of a person, which could even hassle out real life. This paper aims to provide brief information on IA, its causes, its symptoms including both mental and physical, diagnosis, and its treatment. In this article, the effect of the internet on our society is mentioned. The familiar nature with the benefits of the internet is quite well known, but it is also important to note the second face of the card.
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