External dacryocystorhinostomy for patients of chronic dacryocystitis with chronic rhinosinusitis
Introduction: Dacryocystitis is characterized as an inflammatory state of the nasolacrimal sac. It is typically caused by an obstruction within the nasolacrimal duct and subsequent stagnation of tears in the lacrimal sac. Stagnation of tears will provide a favorable environment for infectious organisms to propagate and proteinaceous debris to form.
Materials and Methods: In this prospective, observational study conducted over a 5-year period (March 2011 to February 2016) in a tertiary eye care center and department of Ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology, consecutive subjects (60 chronic sinusitis patients) were recruited with primary obstruction of the lower lacrimal drainage system due to chronic dacryocystitis who underwent external dacryocystorhinostomy (EDCR) by a single surgeon.
Results: A total of 60 patients were included in this study, concerning the gender, there was a predominance of the female with 39 out of 60 patients (64.1%) and males were 21 patients. Age groups of 1-20 years are 3 patients (4.61%) and predominant age in the study was elderly more than 61 years old patients 40%. The clinical characteristics of chronic dacryocystitis are shown in table 3, epiphora was found in 51 patients (78.4%) and absent in 14 patients (21.5%). The discharge by the digital expression of the lacrimal sac was attained in 45 patients (69.2%) and not attained in 20 patients (30.8%). The previous history of exacerbation of chronic dacryocystitis identified as purulent discharge occurred in 5 patients (7.7%) and non-occurrence in 60 patients (92.3%).
Conclusion: The physiopathology of the CDC is not fully known. This study reveals a possible influence of CRS on the CDC, emphasizing its action on the exacerbation of the symptoms.
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