A study of knowledge and attitude about eye donation among 1st-year medical students
Introduction: Corneal transplantation for sight restoration is the only treatment modality available for those who are blind from corneal diseases. Medical students, as future doctors of the society, can be an effective tool for planning, educating, sensitizing, motivating the general public to pledge for eye donation. For this purpose, an assessment of the knowledge and awareness about eye donation among medical students is important.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University medical college and hospital, Sangli. The students admitted for the first year MBBS were enrolled for a pretested, questionnaire to collect data validating their knowledge and awareness about eye donation, sources of information about eye donation, reason/s for willingness and reason/s for non-willingness to donate eye/s. A total of 137 students participated in the study.
Results: In this study 71 (51.72 %) participant students had a knowledge that the ideal time of eye removal was within 6 hours of death. 120 (87.59 %) participants expressed their will for eye donation. Perceived reasons for not pledging eyes by the students 17 (12.40 %) felt, eye donation was against their religious belief 03 (2.1%), fear of misuse of eyes, 24 (17.51 %) and 15 (10.94%) do not wish to be mutilated.
Conclusion: This study revealed that all first-year MBBS student participants are well aware of eye donations and120 (87.59 %) are willing to pledge for eye donation.
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