Conjunctival autografting with sutures versus without sutures in pterygium surgery: a prospective comparative study
Introduction: Pterygium is a degenerative condition of subconjunctival tissues that proliferates as vascularized granulation tissue to invade the cornea. Treatment modalities may be medical or surgical.
Objectives: The outcome studied in both groups in terms of operative time, postoperative symptoms, overall graft success.
Material and Method: Prospective, randomized, comparative study conducted on 50 patients over a period of one year in the upgraded Department of Ophthalmology at GMC Jammu. Group, I (25 eyes) underwent attachment of conjunctival autograft by 10-0 silk suture and group II (25 eyes) attachment done without sutures.
Results: Mean operating time was less without sutures (p-value = 0.0001, highly significant), the severity of Post-operative symptoms was more with suture. Graft successfully attached in both groups.
Conclusion: Present study concluded that both are effective methods but autograft without sutures associated with less operating time and less post-operative discomfort in terms of severity and duration
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