Ophthalmic manifestations of thyroid disease and the association of serum levels of T3, T4 and TSH with thyroid eye disease
Aim: To study the ophthalmic manifestations in thyroid disease and the association of serum levels of T3, T4 and TSH with thyroid eye disease.
Material and methods: The present study was a prospective case series study. It included 72 patients with thyroid disease with either hypo, hyper or euthyroid status visiting ophthalmology department from March to October 2019, at GMC, Bambolim, Goa. Data was entered on SPSS software and analysed by using one-way ANOVA test to study the proportions of thyroid eye disease signs in various thyroid disease types and to establish their relationship with serum levels of T3, T4 and TSH and the duration of thyroid disease.
Result: The most common thyroid eye disease was found to be dry eye (41 patients) followed by upper lid retraction (19 patients) and proptosis (14 patients). Serum level of T3 at the time of study was found to be significantly correlated with the severity and the frequency of upper lid retraction. Serum levels of T4 at the time of diagnosis of hyperthyroid was found to be significantly related with the severity and the frequency of the proptosis. Rest all signs of thyroid eye disease (Chemosis, congestion, dry eye) and intraocular pressure were found to be not associated or related with serum levels of T3, T4 and TSH at the time of examination or at the time of diagnosis.
Conclusion: Duration of thyroid disease was not found to be significantly related with the frequency and severity of any of the thyroid eye disease signs which were studied with the p value being more than 0.05 in each subgroup.
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