Correlation of B-scan, CT scan and biopsy findings in orbital masses (space occupying lesions)
Introduction: Orbital masses or space occupying lesions, involving the orbit, produce symptoms and signs by compression, infiltration and/or infarction of orbital structures. A wide variety of processes can produce space-occupying lesions in and around the orbit. Imaging can be done to precisely localize a lesion, to help establish a diagnosis or generate a differential diagnosis that guides management.
Material and Methods: Over a period of 18 months, patients with space occupying lesion of the orbit, in the age group of 1 to 70 years are included in the study. Proptosis assessment was done.
Results: All the patients were subjected to B scan, CT scan and biopsy. On comparing the findings of B-Scan, CT Scan and biopsy (biopsy findings being taken as gold standard), B-Scan accurately diagnosed 83.33% of the cases, where as CT scan diagnosed only 60% of the cases accurately. Rest of the cases, there was no correlation between the B-Scan/CT scan and biopsy.
Conclusions: B-Scan appears to be the better diagnosing tool in identifying most of the orbital lesions when compared to the CT scan. Considering radiation exposure, repeated examination, cost effectiveness and time consumption, B-Scan is advantageous over CT scan in the initial work up and follow up of cases.
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