Accuracy of refractive prediction determined by different intraocular lens power calculating formulas in hyperopes- A prospective study
Purpose: The present study was conducted to evaluate and compare the accuracy of refractive prediction by different intraocular lens power calculating formulas in hyperopes.
Methods: This study reviewed 100 eyes of 100 patients who had received cataract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) implantation using different IOL calculating formulas. The postoperative refractive spherical equivalent (SE)of different IOL calculating formulas (SRK/T, Holladay, Hoffer-Q, and Haigis) was calculated and compared. The SE at different axial lengths (AL) were compared and percentage of postoperative SE value for each formula was calculated at ±0.5D and ±1.00D.
Results: Among the 100 eyes analysed, it was found that haigis formula had the lowest postoperative refractive SE, followed by hoffer-Q and holladay. SRK/T had highest SE. Postoperative SE was positively correlated with AL.
Conclusion: Haigis formula rendered the lowest predictive postoperative refractive error compared with holladay, hoffer-Q and SRK/T. Thus, haiges formula may be regarded as a more reliable formula for hyperopes.
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