evaluation following snake bite - Case Report
Govindaraj S.1,
Arivazhagan G.B.2, Jinsha A.3, Swetha Lakshmi M.4
Sriram Govindaraj, Assistant Professor, 2Dr.Ganesh Bala Arivazhagan,
Associate Professor, 3Dr. Jinsha A, Postgraduate,4Dr. Swetha
Lakshmi M., Postgraduate, all authors are affiliated with Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, Vinayaka Mission’s Medical College, Vinayaka Mission
Research Foundation, DU, Keezhakasakudi, Karaikal, Chennai, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr.
Sriram Govindaraj, Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
Vinayaka Mission’s Medical College, Vinayaka Mission Research Foundation, DU,
Keezhakasakudi, Karaikal. E-mail:
We are reporting a casewith hearing loss following krait
snake bite.Casewasdiagnosed as snake bite and treated in the emergency
department and after stabilising she was referred to the oto-rhinolaryngology
department for evaluation of sudden hearing loss. Audiological evaluation was
carried out to identify degree, type of hearing loss and site of
lesion. Puretone audiometry showed bilateral moderate sensory neural hearing
loss. Thediagnosis was confirmed with Transient evokedotoacoustic emissions and
Click evoked auditory brainstem response testing. From
theaboveaudiologicaltests it is evident that the snake bite victim has cochlear
hearing loss. This could be due to the venom carried away from the wound by the
lymphatics and then is circulated by the bloodstream throughout the body.
Key words: Snakebite, Audiological
evaluation, Puretone audiometry
Author Corrected: 12th January 2019 Accepted for Publication: 18nd February 2019
June 9th, 2017 WHO categorized snakebite envenomation into
the Category A of the Neglected Tropical Diseases. Rural populationare the
major victims of snake bites. Hearing lossis a rare symptom followed by snake
bite [1]. Only few cases on hearing loss following snake bite are reported in
the literature [2]. The venom of Bungaruscaeruleus (krait) contains a mixture
of alpha, beta-bungarotoxin and caerulotoxin. Alpha-bungarotoxins cause failure
of neuromuscular transmission by binding to post synaptic nAchR at neuromuscular
junction, Beta-bungarotoxins arepre-synaptically active neurotoxic
phospholipases. Exposureto these toxins causes the failure of
neuromusculartransmission and depletion of synaptic vesicles from the nerve
terminal. Caerulotoxins a minor component of the venom and is found exclusively
inkraits and are structurally similar to alpha-bungarutoxins. Alphabungarutoxin
and caerulo-toxin acts on post synaptic membrane [2].
Case Presentation
48 year old female patient came to ENT Departmentfor hearing
loss evaluation following snake bite; she was treated in the emergency
department for snake bite andidentified the snake to be krait.She was referred
to the Department ofOtorhinolaryngology following her complaints of reduced
hearing sensitivity and ear fullness. History revealed that patientwas having
normal hearing before snake bite and there was no history of ear discharge.
Otoscopic examination revealed normal ear canal with intact tympanic membrane
onboth ears. Hearing assessment was carried out using audiological examination.
Routine pure tone audiometry was done to check theair conduction and bone
conduction thresholds of the patient. Impedanceaudiometry was done to rule out
any middle ear pathology. Otoacoustic emissions test was performedto check the
function of outer hair cells. Auditorybrainstem responses (ABR) were done to
rule out the presence of retro cochlear pathology. Pure tone audiometry shows
bilateral moderate sensorineural hearing loss with pure tone average of 41.6
dBHL in right ear and 43.3 dBHL in left ear. Impedance audiometry shows ‘A’
type tympanogram showing no middle ear pathology. Both ears ipsilateral and
contralateral acoustic reflex absent. Auditory brainstem responses reveal that
there is no auditory nerve dysfunction in both ears as the interpeak latencies
and the interaural latencies are observed to be within normal limits. Results of
Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission reveals absentotoacoustic emissions
Figure-1: Shows results
of pure tone audiometry
Figure 1.1 shows results of pure tone audiometry
Pure tone audiometry shows bilateral moderate sensorineuralhearing loss
Pure tone average:
Right ear:41.6 dBHL
Left ear:43.3
Figure-2: Shows
impedance audiometry results of the patient
audiometry shows ‘A’ type tympanogram showing nomiddle ear pathology.
Shows auditory brainstem responses of the patient
Auditory brainstem responses reveals that there is no auditory nerve
dysfunctionin both ears as the interpeak latencies and the interaural latencies
are observedto be within normal limits.
Shows transient evoked otoacoustic emissions ofthe patient
Results of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic
Emission reveals absentotoacoustic emissions bilaterally
Sudden bilateral
hearing loss following snake bite has been reported by Sabharwal R.K, Sanchetee
P.C, Sethi P.K, Gaudi S.C [5].Documentation of hearing loss in a case with
krait snake bite in the literature is rare[1].We are reporting a case with
amoderate degree of sensorineural hearing loss caused by cochlear damage due to
snake bite. Aftersnake bite venom quickly spreads throughout the body, is
carried away from thewound by the lymphatics and then is circulated by the
bloodstream and results in cochlear damagealso [2].
The venom which
is carried away by the bloodstream could have damaged the hair cells of the
cochlea whichis been proved in the transient evoked otoacoustic emissionstest
that there has been dysfunction in the cochlear hair cells.Pure tone audiometry
shows bilateral moderate sensorineural hearing loss with pure tone average of
41.6 dBHL in right ear and 43.3 dBHL in left ear. Impedance audiometry shows
‘A’ type tympanogram showing no middle ear pathology. Both ears ipsilateral and
contralateral acoustic reflex absent.
brainstem responses reveals that there is no auditory nerve dysfunction in both
ears as the interpeak latencies and the interaural latencies are observed to be
within normal limits. Results of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission reveals
absent otoacoustic emissions bilaterally.Also there is a possibility of having
pre-synaptic orpost-synaptic hearing loss which must be ruled out in
individuals. The venom of Bungaruscaeruleus (krait) containsa mixture of alpha,
beta-bungarotoxin and caerulotoxin [3]. Alpha-bungarotoxins cause failure of
neuromuscular transmission by binding to post synaptic nAchR at neuromuscular
junction;Beta-bungarotoxins contains 20% protein content of thevenom and are
most toxic components of the venom. They are pre-synaptically active neurotoxic
phospholipases [2]. Exposure to these toxins in vivo and in vitro causes the
failure of neuromusculartransmission for two to three hours and depletion
ofsynaptic vesicles from the nerve terminal boutons. Caerulotoxinis a minor
component of the venom are found exclusively inkraits and are structurally
similar to alpha-bungarutoxins. Alphabun-garutoxin and caerulotoxin acts on
post synaptic membrane [3].
We tried to
emphasize that any patients with history of snake bite should undergo hearing
evaluation. Alloto-rhinolaryngologists should be aware to elicit history of
snakebite as a remote cause for sensorineural hearing loss.In our casethe
victim of snake bite - krait has confirmed cochlear hearing loss which could be
due to the impairment of outer hair cell function. Based on above observations
we recommend all cases of snake bite should undergoaudiological evaluation -
pure tone audiometry, impedance audiometry, otoacoustic emissions and auditory
brainstem responsewhich would help in early diagnosis and treatment of hearing
Funding: Nil,
Conflict of interest: Nil
Permission from IRB: Yes
How to cite this article?
Govindaraj S., Arivazhagan G.B., Jinsha A., Swetha Lakshmi M. Audiological evaluation following snake bite- Case Report. Ophthal Rev: Tro J ophtha & Oto.2019;4(1):26-29.doi:10.17511/jooo.2019.i1.05